Main engine features
- Engine divided in several libraries, most of them loaded as plugins
- Full Windows and Linux support
- Full API documentation through Doxygen
- Full up-to-date scripting documentation (auto-generated from the binding code)
- Full source code available (LGPL license)
- Compilation using any available tool (in theory) thanks to
CMAKE, including
- MinGW
- Visual Studio
- Code::Blocks
- Linux makefiles
- KDevelop
- Delivered with a demo application which shows engine capabilities and features
- Delivered with a GUI utility to select plugins to be used and manage their settings
Core engine features
- Log system
- Filesystem management
- XML file handling
- Math libraries with matrix, quaternion, vector and AABB support
Rendering features
- Use of Ogre 3D for rendering:
- Ogre 3D renderer is currently only partially integrated with the engine
- Basic support for scene hierarchy management
- GUI with the following widgets:
- Picture
- Text
- Bitmap fonts loading and rendering
Audio features
- WAV PCM samples support
- Streaming support:
- Ogg Vorbis
- Plugins available:
- OpenAL (Windows and Linux)
- DirectSound (Windows only)
- All code has already been written but it must be integrated with the existing engine code base
Input features
- Keyboard and mouse support
- Action manager to bind inputs to specific actions
- Plugins available:
- OIS (Windows and Linux)
Game features
- Plugin system
- Plugin initialization through XML file
- Multi-GUI and multi-scene management
- Squirrel scripting support
- Game handling
- GUI management
- Scene management as well as scene hierarchy handling
- Basic physics support with Bullet
Other features
- map2syBR tool to compile maps from GtkRadiant with GtkRadiant configuration files