The next version of syBR is out... it was about time. Lots of stuff happened in my life and I have been drawn away from the project but hopefully next year will see more improvements in the engine.
This version focus on dependencies has it was not so easy to find them. Now all the dependencies are included except Ogre3D and FLTK which are easier to find. Also included is some experimental code for the GUI using Anti-Grain Geometry (disabled for the release). Working in the dependencies also made me realize that SqPlus was quite messy so I decided to rewrite the binding system using directly the Squirrel API and some hand-written macros. This allows to generate up-to-date scripting documentation directly from the binding code... it should come quite handy in the future.
What's coming next ? Component-based entity system, GUI rendering using Anti-Grain Geometry and probably some other things but these two will be the focus for syBR 0.0.9.
See history for release informations.
The next version of syBR is out. The engine has now basic physics support as well as an exporter from GtkRadiant to syBR scene files.
See history for release informations.
The source code of the syBR Engine has been put on SVN to allow you to have access to the latest version of it. It could also, I hope, increase users' interest in it as it would show that the project is not dead as new commits come in the repository.
Note that the version on the server contains preliminary physics code as well as the base of a .map compiler.
The next version of syBR is finally out. It brings some great features such as scripting and input support. Also, the game and gameCore libraries have been merged for better consistency and a basic scenegraph management has been implemented.
Other changes are mostly bug corrections.
See history for release informations.
It was time to finish the next release of the engine. Some big changes have been done such as switching to TinyXML for XML files handling or using CMake to handle makefiles and workspaces generation. Another big change is the use of Ogre3D as rendering engine, it should help speeding up the development the engine
A GUI system has also been implemented which currently supports picture and text widgets (font bitmaps are supported).
See history for release informations.
The website was quite poorly designed. Thanks to Open Source Web Design it is now much better. Original design is named Spring Shades and was made by nmyers. Some minor tweaks (colors, logo...) were done to it. Note that due to organization problems, it wasn't uploaded until November 2nd 2006.
Ooops, there was a little stupid bug which prevented the Direct3D rendering plugin to compile. I had to fix it and to quickly do a new release. A few other changes have also been done.
See history for release informations.
More organization changes / improvements as well as a complete re-write of the plugins selection tool which now uses FLTK instead of wxWidgets.
The most important addition is maybe the generateDoc which allows to build the website content from the text files of the distribution. So, the situation which occured for the previous release should not happen anymore (the release had been done but the website had not been updated).
See history for release informations.
Third release of the syBR Engine on SourceForge, version 0.0.3. It's been a long time since last release for personal reasons (had to write my master's thesis and then to find a job). Changes are mostly organization changes / improvements.
See history for release informations.
Second release of the syBR Engine on SourceForge, version 0.0.2. It improves the ground of the engine by adding Linux support and a tool to select plugins is introduced.
See history for release informations.
First release of the syBR Engine on SourceForge, version 0.0.1. It sets the ground of the engine. A demo is also available but it doesn't show a lot.
See history for release informations.